Cumparaturi in regim Tax Free pentru cetatenii nestabiliti in Comunitatea Europeana
Conceptul Tax Free permite cetatenilor nestabiliti in Comunitatea Europeana sa primeasca inapoi valoarea TVA aferenta bunurilor pe care le-au cumparat din Romania si le iau acasa. Conceptul nu poate fi folosit pentru servicii.
Bunurile trebuie cumparate din magazine autorizate. Sigla Tax Free se regaseste in magazin.
Valoarea bunurilor pentru care se solicita restituirea TVA trebuie sa fie de minim 900 lei (175 euro), inclusiv TVA.
Personalul magazinului va completa formularul de restituire TVA, cu datele cumparatorului.
Cumparatorul trebuie sa paraseasca Uniunea Europeana in 90 de zile de la cumpararea bunurilor.
La ultima vama inainte de parasirea spatiului UE, cumparatoul trebuie sa arate bunurile, formularul de restituire TVA si factura fiscala, pentru a primi viza pe documente.
Tax Free Shopping allows non-EU residents to get a VAT refund on goods they buy in Romania and take home to their country. This facility cannot be used for services purchased.
VAT refund is available only in stores that are part of the Tax Free Romania network or are otherwise authorized to provide this service by the fiscal authorities. Look for the Tax Free sign! The stores that carry it provide this service through us.
The value of the purchased goods must exceed 175 euros (including the value-added tax) for each purchase – that is, for each invoice.
The store will provide you with a VAT refund form you will need to fill in with your contact details. It is essential to make sure you have filled in all the required information. Also, the store may provide you with a self-addressed envelope, which you may use to send the documents back to us to receive the refund.
You must leave Romania within 90 days since the day of purchase.
Upon exiting the country, you must show the goods purchased (still in their sealed package; products that are used are not eligible for a VAT refund), the invoice and your refund form to Romanian customs staff. The customs will stamp both the invoice and the VAT refund form. If you leave the EU through another country (and Romania is just a stopover on your route), you will have to get your documents stamped at the last point of exit before departing from the EU.